Dead Sea, Seaweed, Sea Scallops (It's hot. I've lost my marbles.)

My head is above water! I'm waving to you from the middle of the sea (which is so much more romantic than the ocean, right?).

It's not so much that I'm busy or bogged down or stressed out or any of those words. I've just been swallowed a bit by the summer haze. It's that hot outside.

Inside my house, it was 92 last time I checked the thermostat. Since then, I hopped a bus to the library to pick up The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and return a book that I never read (The Tiger's Wife) because I was too busy reading "The Turn of the Screw" and Lucky Jim. I'm about 1/2 way through Lucky Jim, then onto this 600-page beast of a book. I hear it's good from people who like good books, so, I'm hopeful.

Now for something completely different.

It has been almost a year since I've seen the ocean.


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