
Showing posts from 2012

Dear Dr. Freud,

"We must have/ the stubbornness to accept our gladness/ in the ruthless furnace of this world."

My Poem on Linebreak (and pre-Christmas notes)

As I Put a Book Together

When is a Prose Poem Not a Poem? When it's ajar?

So Much to Do, So Little Headspace

When the Lights Go Down in the City

I've been watching German shows & videos

There hasn't been a bat in the house for weeks

Dear Husband, I promise never to brag to people that you've watched our children while I went out to eat, shopped, or watched a movie

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The worst advice to give a mother

Well, I'm Still Here

I Made the List

The Best Poetry Reading in Town

These are all things to talk about:

Who's the speaker of this poem? Who. No, Who's the Poet.

Shh... I'm studying for the GRE...

Rhinelander or bust!

There is hullapaloo

Dead Sea, Seaweed, Sea Scallops (It's hot. I've lost my marbles.)

Some days I'm in love with poetry.

A Weekend in Madison

And so concludes my brief investigation of the paranormal

Northern Harrier vs. Bunny

My Poem "Itch" Reviewed a Little at New Pages!

Hello Books, I'm Home

School of the Arts

Do over.

Some days, I feel like Cindarella, but only because I am surrounded by animals.

An abundance of bunnies (and other things that scare me)

The End of Poem-a-Day and Other Complicated Systems of Time Measurement

Writing Community

Kites are letters (and other things I recently figured out by spending time with a variety of people, which is to say, people)

To do

Well, week, you have gone by.

12 eggs in a dozen, 16 oz in a lb, how many hours in a day?

Hello, yes, I wrote a poem.

Chipmunks, Gardens, & Back on the Wagon

Because I didn't see a Snowy Owl

Catching up on things, Part 3: Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Catching up on things, Part 2: The Gas Guy

Catching up on things, Part 1: Arts Day

Well, at least we're alive.
