I have this song in my head and it's relevant to nothing in real life except that I'm so busy that I can think of nothing but Willie Nelson. Except also, I think a friend recently told me she dreamed he was trying to hook up with her. (Upon further consideration, I think she actually said Lenny Kravitz. I don't know how I would confuse the two...the confusion might be syllabic in nature.)
Finally, I've recovered and caught up with life after AWP. I would talk about my AWP experience, but the only people who really want to know about AWP go to AWP, and if you've been to AWP, you don't need someone to ramble on about it, so I won't. I will mention that I sat in on some good panels and some bad panels. I heard D.A. Powell read, which was fantastic, and went to a great reading by folks from
Black Lawrence Press (check out Lisa Fay Coutley's chapbook) and
Devil's Lake (check out everything in this magazine).
As part of the recovering process, I spent all day yesterday cleaning out my closet. It's a large closet-- it doubles as Matthew's office-- so there was quite a bit to organize. I still haven't gone through any of the maybe 30 books and magazine I collected at the bookfair. I just finished unpacking yesterday. It's been slow-going, but I'm getting there.
Canada |
I mentioned before leaving for Chicago that I wanted to live there. When I got to the city, I was gung-ho, looking at apartments and such (by which I mean looking in apartment windows and dreaming about living in said apartments). On my last day in city, I was packing and watching this show on HGTV where this guy went to fix a house on a lake in Canada. I decided maybe we should move to a lake in Canada instead. And own goats. (Notice a pattern here?) Of course, this means we're in the right place now. Madison is a nice mix of Chicago and Canada... if only there were the sunshine of San Francisco.
equals Madison |
plus Chicago |
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