Finally Summer!

This past weekend was the first weekend we spent at home since... err... a long time?, and we got so much done!  On Friday, we drove through Horicon Marsh and while we didn't see many birds, we saw a doe giving birth, which is kind of better.  I don't know why, but I was surprised to see her on her own, hunching over in the tall marsh grasses.  Of course she didn't need help, but I guess I thought (somewhere in the back of my head, because it's not something I actually think I've ever considered) that maybe a doe would be surrounded by other does while giving birth.   (These back-of-head-thoughts may be rooted in the Golden Books/Disney rendition of Bambi.)  What a remarkable thing to experience.

On Saturday, we went to the Farmer's Market and bought some plants to eat (asparagus and baby kale) and plants to grow (swiss chard, a jalapeno, and kohlrabi).  We also bought a tiny cherry crumb pie from an Amish stand and, of course, cheese curds.  Oh wait. We also shared a strawberry rhubarb crumb bar while we were there...  It was good.  We walked there and back, which isn't too far at all, but I can definitely feel the extra 15 lbs I'm carrying around with me these days!

After the market, we went to Happy Bambino, which is a fantastic baby store with the friendliest, happiest staff anywhere, and I finally learned what I needed to know about cloth diapers!  Hooray! And then we bought some potting soil and topsoil and compost and came home to plant!  Matthew put baskets on my bike, we put our plants in pots, and we moved our sage, which we were able to keep alive since last fall, back into the earth.  We also have peas coming up and chives that came back this year.  Now, we cross our fingers that the earwigs don't come back...


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