The Poetry Toolbox

I'm teaching a free workshop at Madison Public Library! It's a series of three workshops, and while they do build off of one another nicely, you by no means need to go to all three (it's summer, and I know how hard it is to commit to three weeks of anything inside when the sun is out!).

Last time, we:
* read great poems and discussed how imagery, sound, and metaphor were working in them
* participated in a great metaphor-writing exercise
* talked about conceit poems

If you're not familiar with conceit poems, they're essentially poems centered on an extended metaphor. Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," for example, when read literally, is about a guy standing in the road, while metaphorically, it's about the decisions we make.

If you'd like to come to the next workshop, anyone who has written a conceit has the option of sharing, so feel free to give it a shot and bring it along!  We're a friendly group!

Next week, we'll be talking about repetition, rhythm, and anaphora-- poems starting with the same word or groups of word.  We'll read and discuss poems and work on a writing prompt or two.

You can still register here!!


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