Observe your enemies, for they first find out your faults (Antisthenes)
So, poem-a-day and I have proven, once again, to be enemies. When I write everyday, I get so hung up on the fact that I have to say something that I'll say anything without stopping to listen. And when I talk a lot without listening, I start to hate myself. How dull to listen to me talk about things I haven't thought much about! A reader would surely begin to hate me, too, for babbling incessantly, as even I tend to be bothered by people who talk without stopping to listen once in awhile. What a detriment to poetry and humanity! So. Here I am, with my 13 poems (maybe a few more), trying to regain my balance, trying to control my exclamation points.
This is why I haven't been here in a while, and when I have been here, I've just been saying things without saying much. Of course, I've also not been here because of the funeral, and grief (and all of its ugly manifestations), but, quit frankly, I miss being the girl who sits in the front row and never raises her hand. I'm going to shut up and listen for awhile.
In the meantime, I'll come here to supply the blog with happy little posts about happy things to keep the air clean. Like sunshine and trees and sky.
This is why I haven't been here in a while, and when I have been here, I've just been saying things without saying much. Of course, I've also not been here because of the funeral, and grief (and all of its ugly manifestations), but, quit frankly, I miss being the girl who sits in the front row and never raises her hand. I'm going to shut up and listen for awhile.
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